Friday, January 15, 2010

Marcy Winograd for Congress? Who the hell is Marcy Winograd?? I signed up for Robert Wexler's Newsletter AGES ago and he quit!

So, how the hell did Marcy Winograd get the idea that after Wexler bailed on his supporters I'd want to get behind her?  This buying/selling/trading/giving of mailing lists really needs to stop.  I have now unsubscribed from Winograd's email list TWICE.  Let's hope it actually happens this time, because I'm sick of politicians bullshit.  I have no time to follow their idiotic games any more.  They've proven time and again that they don't give a crap about what We The People really want and I'm sick of thinking there's hope when every single person in Washington DC holding elected office is clearly just a corrupt white man in a suit (even if they're not Caucasian or male). Just go away already...

Posted via web from thepete's posterous

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