Saturday, March 13, 2010

David Lynch on how NOT to watch a movie (on a telephone!)

I love Lynch's attitude toward watching videos on smartphones--this despite me having watched "Jaws" more than once on my old 5g iPod :P I should also add here that there is something ironically funny about watching "Lawrence of Arabia" on the old 5g since it was shot in 70mm. :D

But I completely agree. The catch is, sometimes I won't be able to watch something at all if I wait to have quality time with the 37-inch flat panel. So I compromise and watch the movie or the show on my iPhone and understand that I'm not getting the full experience. Then again, you can't really get the full experience on a 37-inch flat panel either, can you? But it's not like I can run down to the multiplex and catch "Blue Velvet" can I? So, even with the TV, we're making compromises.

Still, it's pretty funny how calls them "telephones" and not "smartphones" or even the newest name "superphones."

I think we should just stop calling them "phones" all together. I think they're just "palmtops" now. You know, designed for "thumb-based computing." :)

Posted via web from thepete's posterous

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