Monday, March 15, 2010

Fixing The Plumbing Will Cost Hundreds Of Billions and nobody wants to pay (#peoplearedumb)

No one wants to think about fixing the plumbing under the streets, which in most major cities in the US date back to the 1800's.

Charles Duhigg, Toxic Waters - Saving U.S. Water and Sewer Systems Would Be Costly

An E.P.A. study last year estimated that $335 billion would be needed simply to maintain the nation's tap water systems in coming decades. In states like New York, officials estimate that $36 billion is needed in the next 20 years just for municipal wastewater systems.


In Philadelphia, officials are set to start collecting $1.6 billion for programs to prevent rain water from overwhelming the sewer system, amid loud complaints. Communities surrounding Cleveland threatened to sue when the regional utility proposed charging homeowners for the water pollution running off their property. In central Florida, a $1.8 billion proposal to build a network of drinking water pipes has drawn organized protests.

"We're relying on water systems built by our great-grandparents, and no one wants to pay for the decades we've spent ignoring them," said Jeffrey K. Griffiths, a professor at Tufts University and a member of the E.P.A.'s National Drinking Water Advisory Council.

"There's a lot of evidence that people are getting sick," he added. "But because everything is out of sight, no one really understands how bad things have become."

At least the jobs can't be outsourced.

Yeah, this is amazing--the system that keeps safe, clean water is falling apart and folks don't wanna pay for it.

I think there's something in the water.


Get it?

There's something in the water making us stupid and we don't want to pay to have clean water so the cycle continues.

It's the ciiiircle of dumb!

I hope I speak for all intelligent people when I say:




Posted via web from thepete's posterous

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