Wednesday, March 17, 2010

@siskita calls and I get another winning voicemail transcript from #GoogleVoice! (keep workin on it, G!)

Gotta love how it gets almost everything wrong:

Voicemail from: Wife at 1:55 PM

Hey saying yes please call me back. I just walking down to 1st avenue on the east side, and he's gorgeous day. Definitely if you want to go for a while cos afternoon when I get home we can do so. I just passed a pole Irish bandwidth bagpipes, than don't send it. Well so cool. Anyway, I love you and have a having a good day. You know I had to work this morning. Anyway, I love you bye bye.

Don't get me wrong, I love Google Voice, but I never asked for a transcript service and while it's helpful in theory, in practice it's not at all.  I mean, seriously--the transcript claims she said "yes please call me back" when in reality she said "no need to call me back."

Apparently the day is of the male gender, and "he's gorgeous."

And what the *hell* are "pole Irish bandwidth bagpipes"??  Perhaps they are pole-shaped bagpipes that let you access the Internet? 

Ah, Google, thanks for all the free services (minus our privacy, of course) but these transcripts are kind of a joke.  I mean, they make me laugh. At you.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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