Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama's not bringing change--A must read: The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters - Glenn Greenwald -

The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters

BBC's "The Culture Show"
Julian Assange, editor of WikiLeaks.

A newly leaked CIA report prepared earlier this month (.pdf) analyzes how the U.S. Government can best manipulate public opinion in Germany and France -- in order to ensure that those countries continue to fight in Afghanistan.  The Report celebrates the fact that the governments of those two nations continue to fight the war in defiance of overwhelming public opinion which opposes it -- so much for all the recent veneration of "consent of the governed" -- and it notes that this is possible due to lack of interest among their citizenry:   "Public Apathy Enables Leaders to Ignore Voters," proclaims the title of one section. 


via, but I found it at first.

Or do you like the idea that the USG is coming up with ways to manipulate the people of OTHER COUNTRIES into doing what we want??

And "Public Apathy Enables Leaders to Ignore Voters," huh? Dude--if there's one thing that the Bush years taught me it's that you can be as loud as you want and leaders can ignore you anyway--as Obama and pals are now, as George W. Bush did before.

This is kind of amazing--the CIA is talking about using Big Brother tactics on the people of other countries. Don't forget that we're still pretty sure they're still tapping our own phone lines. All that happened when Obama took over was it all got more subtle. That's always been what the Dems did better than the Repubs--like I said back in March of 2003--the Bush Admin was incapable of subtlety and it was a sign of things to come. The thing is, we know a lot of bad things are still happening under the Dems, just more quietly.

In a time like this, we need

We need more sites like -- is one--but what others do what they do?


Posted via web from thepete's posterous

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