Sunday, March 11, 2007


Capitalism is a beautiful and pure thing, according to some. To some, there are no changes required in the divine and simple system that almost completely dominates planet Earth. Any compromise in the beloved system would be tantamount to blaspheme and can never be contemplated let alone allowed to be committed. If you agree with the above, please stop reading. Turns out, according to a [|report] from [|BBC News] I found at NewStandardNews.Net, tsunamit victims in Indonesia are selling their organs in order to get money to survive. Now, shouldn't there be some way for these people to eat, live and feed their children without having to sell their own organs? But, ThePete, surely they can just get a job! Not always--in fact, like the areas ravaged by Katrina, even now the areas ravaged by the tsunami have yet to fully recover. And hell, it's Indonesia, it's not like the local economy can support families with more than a few kids, right? At least, not without massive sacrifice in your standard of living. Of course, these are third world countries, so they're used to it. Regardless, I personally feel that any single system will not be perfect enough to work across everyone and an absurd fear of other systems (communism, socialism, etc) is only going to hurt more people. Capitalism works fine, but not in the extreme like in the case of these people in Indonesia. Hell, it's outsourcing that led to the mess at Walter Reed where our soldiers have received severely substandard treatment. The market will not correct things when the customers can't go anywhere else and the people who do the outsourcing are thinking like corporate CEOs. The market will also fail to correct things to make sure that no one in Indonesia will be forced to sell their organs. I can't imagine how that could ever work, either. However, if there was some way the world could take care of the people who simply can't provide for themselves, I think all of us rich folks (all Americans are rich in the eyes of most of the rest of the world) could drop a couple extra bucks a paycheck in order to help people around the world feed themselves and their families. I mean, which would you rather have your tax dollars spent on? A $1 trillion war? Or feeding people who are falling through the gaping cracks in a world-wide capitalist system?


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