Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Soldier gets Criticism for admitting his actions are against his faith

Thanks to friend Lauren for finding this article. Apparently, someone who is Christian...who follows the famous "Thou Shalt Not Kill" Commandment...is not supposed to ask forgiveness for the sin if he/she kills enemy combattants in military/battleground situations. Sgt. Mathew Gonzalez put a decal on the back of his pickup truck, the rear window. He's been driving around his local hometown of Bakersfield with it on to express his regret in breaking the 6th of the 10 Commandments. The decal, which features the silhouette of a kneeling soldier leaning on a gun with his head bowed, reads "Lord please forgive me, I have committed sins for our freedom". Gonzalez believes that, as a Catholic, he is committing sin every time he goes out into the battlefields of Iraq and kills for his country. So, he's making a statment that basically points out how he's battling the innate conflict between being a Catholic Christian and a Patriotic American. He's bold enough to point out the hypocricy of a "Christian" America who glorifies killing for "freedom". Bravo to him. But what do his local neighbors in Bakersfield do? Call up the local radio station and complain about him, saying the decal on the back of his truck, saying it is against the morale of the military. In response to this issue, some veterans are saying that it's no sin to kill people in battle. Hmmmm...I don't remember the 10 Commandments saying "Thou Shalt Not Kill...Unless Thou Find Thyself on the Battlefield Fighting Thy Nation's Enemies in the Name of Freedom...(or whatever Thy President sayest thou art fighting against, even though it's based on total rot)" Give this guy a fucking break and admit he has a point here!!! He's basically being a very good Christian; he's admitting and asking forgiveness for the conflict of faith in his God and faith in his Country. We can all find fault in his faith for either of them, but at least he's being totally honest about it! I don't personally believe in his God or the war that he's putting himself in danger for, but I truly admire him for not letting either part of himself fall by the wayside.

Orignal From: Soldier gets Criticism for admitting his actions are against his faith

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