Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Crude Awakening - The Oil Crash (2007)

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Positive Experience/Entertaining? Definitely entertaining and, more importantly, educational. I do take issue with a few things this documentary fails to present, however.

Technically any good? It does a great job of telling the story of oil. This was all stuff I'd never heard before and the way the film presents this history (and it's eventual irony) is incredibly powerful and dramatic.

However, the film concludes that there is little hope for us. It takes on a very pessimistic attitude and quotes no one who points out that there actually is hope. I don't need touchy-feely "get involved! call your congressman!" kind of stuff, but showing one guy saying "ethanol's a dead-end" and not presenting anyone who might disagree doesn't make for an accurate documentary of the problem facing us.

I actually agree that ethanol is not going to "replace" oil (no single alternative will), but I know for a fact that there are people who are big proponents of the stuff that did not make an appearance in this film.

How did it leave me feeling? Disappointed since it does such a great job of looking back and such a rotten job of looking forward. We'll find a way out of this messy black stuff (we have to) but, based on this film, you'd think humanity hasn't solved big problems before.

Final Rating? GSN - Go See Now. Despite the downer message of A Crude Awakening, I think it's got some amazing facts in it that make it a must see.

Orignal From: A Crude Awakening - The Oil Crash (2007)

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