Monday, September 14, 2009

Damn your eyes, man! Trop50 is NOT ORANGE JUICE!


Since Trop50 isn't orange juice, how can it be on sale for $2.99???
Answer: IT CAN'T BE!!

Trop50 tasks me!! It tasks me and I will--oh, no that's Khan...

Orignal From: Damn your eyes, man! Trop50 is NOT ORANGE JUICE!

1 comment:

TeraBlogger said...

I bought Trop50, and returned to store when I realized I had been had. It poured out yellow in color, not even orange as on the package. Package Design, Labeling, and shelf placement, all designed to deceive. Why would I pay OJ prices for water. Easy to get a refund. I showing container to clerk. "See this Orange Juice"?, "Yes" she answered. "It's not Orange Juice" I informed her, and the rest is history. Surely one can make it themselves at home and save 50%. One part water, 1 part Not from Concentrate OJ, I recommend Minute Maid, and add Splenda to taste. 2 packets seems fine to me.