Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama Admin Wants to Hike the USG's Debt Ceiling

One of the things I used to bag on George W Bush a lot for was hiking the debt ceiling. Back in 2004 he talked Congress into bumping it up to $8 trillion (FYI: the National Debt is now approaching $12 trillion) and look how much that helped us! We got to wage more war. YAY!

So, here comes 2009 and Obama needs more cash.


The Wall Street Journal seems to think Congress may not want to let him up the limit the USG can borrow from the Fed. Seems there's been a lot of hubub in DC about overspending.


Where were these idiots when Bush was overspending on imaginary threats?

Regardless, the USG is going to keep borrowing whether Congress wants to or not. How do I know this? Because they always do. If we stop WHO KNOWS WHAT COULD HAPPEN?!?!

Look, I'm sure the USG can stop borrowing WHEN EVER IT WANTS.

Hey, it quit in the Clinton years. Why couldn't it quit again?

"Quit again!"

You don't quit "again" and if we ever hope to slow down, stop, or somehow achieve the impossible and actually lower the National Debt, we need to get this government a fricken intervention, because CLEARLY it is NEVER going to stop borrowing on its own.

That's it, I'm calling the UK.

"Britain? Yeah, hey man, it's ThePete. You invite France and Germany over to Canada's apartment. I'll tell America that we're just going to hang out and play Playstation. It's time for some serious tough love."


If only it were that easy...

Orignal From: Obama Admin Wants to Hike the USG's Debt Ceiling

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