Wednesday, December 23, 2009

400MB+ of video took literally all day to upload and now Firefox is timing out on the custom thumbnail.

Note the Spinning Marble of Doom in the attached image...

Bloody brilliant, that is...SIGH... I don't know if it's Firefox's fault or if is to blame or if the culprit is my desperately-in- need-of-replacement MacBook.

Either way, I've just wasted a day of upload time. Let this be a lesson, kids! Don't upload so damn much in one sitting...

The flv was something like 112MB, the m4v was HD and sized in at 232MB and the mp4 was another 72MB. Oh yeah and the thumbnail was 102KB.

I love, in part, because they let you upload so many formats but uploading so many at once has its perils, unfortunately...

So Firefox is not responding. That means only one thing. Force-quit and start the upload all over again--this time *one* at a time...

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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