Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Who the hell is "Scuba Steve" and why is Plaxo sending me a birthday alert when he's not even in my connections?

And why the hell would I want to send anyone I cared about one of
these cheeseball, tacky-ass e-cards??

But seriously, what is the deal with Plaxo? I get alerts from them all
the time about people I do and don't know having birthdays--I was
perplexed wondering how I added so many friends on there since I've
logged in probably three or four times EVER. So, I logged in to
discover I have a whopping 7 connections. None of them are "Scuba
Steve" and I can't remember the last time I got a "birthday alert" for
someone actually on my connections list.

Every day there's more and more BS to deal with. All this tech in our
lives is creating more noise in our lives than anything else, I think.
After ignoring almost all social networking for the last week of
November to focus on finishing my #NaNoWriMo novel, I find myself
having a hard time getting back into the socnetting scene. Sites like
Plaxo only add to the feeling that the signal-to-noise ratio is pretty
detrimental to my well-being. Add that to ALL the opinionated "facts"
going around about Climate Change, universal health care, and a host
of other important issues facing us and it's enough to make me shrug
at the whole thing.

I know there's a lot of positive stuff coming from socnets, the
friends I've made and the things I've learned I really do value and
appreciate, but there's also a lot of wasteful, ignorant, useless
crap, too.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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