Monday, March 01, 2010

UK gov to destroy reports of UFO sightings after 30 days. That'll shut British UFOlogists up! (SURE it will!)

The Ministry of Defence will destroy future reports of UFOs to prevent them from being made public, a memo has revealed.

The British UFO investigation unit and hotline were closed at the start of December. Since then reports have been kept for 30 days. It means that details of sightings will be exempt from freedom of information laws. The memo said that an increase in reports had diverted staff from “more valuable” defence-related activities. The MoD had 634 reports of sightings last year, the highest total since 1978.

via and originally found at:

This seems rather odd. Do they understand how conspiracy buffs think? AT ALL?

"Oh, *sure*, you are *trashing UFO reports after 30 days* so you can pay attention to 'more important' things. SURE. *YEAH.* RIGHT. This isn't a *preemptive cover-up*--oh, no! You're not doing this to *protect galactic relations* with the aliens you've been secretly in contact with since the 19th century! Oh I know! I watch Doctor Who! I know what is possible!"

Seriously, what reaction were you expecting, Her Majesty's Government?

On a more serious note, what happens if these nutbag UFO-spotters actually *do spot some aliens?*

Posted via web from thepete's posterous

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