Friday, February 26, 2010

Slushageddon! Snowpocalypse 2! Call it what you wish but NYC is seriously snowy tonight! Yowza!

The first pic in this series is of a street that leads to the A train
190th st station right near my apartment--this view was something we
just saw melt away over the past couple of days and now it's back!
The 2nd and 3rd pics were taken much later in the day on 8th Ave and
45th(ish?) st, late in the evening after the temperature had begun to
drop a bit (the Slushageddon began to freeze!). After being out in
that, I suddenly found myself feeling like this might be kind of a
tough one. No puppet videos this Snowpocalypse 'round. Every corner
has a slushpit to jump over, but every road is covered in three inches
of snow (the plows aren't out yet and very few sidewalks are shoveled
either). It's windy as hell and the snow is thick. Check out my
various streams for a short video of the snow to come later tonight.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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