Saturday, June 12, 2010

Peggy Noonan is brave enough to point out what we already know: our leaders are made of stupid.

Thank you for having the strength to call out our leaders! You really "pegged" them! Hahahahahahaha!

Screencap source:

"So how would Justice do, almost nine years after the attacks of 9/11? Poorly. "The Department is not prepared to fulfill its role . . . to ensure public safety and security in the event of a WMD incident," says the 61-page report. Justice has yet to assign an entity or individual with clear responsibility for oversight or management of WMD response; it has not catalogued its resources in terms of either personnel or equipment; it does not have written plans or checklists in case of a WMD attack. A deputy assistant attorney general for policy and planning is quoted as saying "it is not clear" who in the department is responsible for handling WMD response. Workers interviewed said the department's operational response program "lacks leadership and oversight." An unidentified Justice Department official was quoted: "We are totally unprepared." He added. "Right now, being totally effective would never happen. Everybody would be winging it."

I think we need to really sit down and try to decide/remember what the purpose of government is. I'm pretty sure protecting the citizens is one of them. Shame our leaders are so intentionally incompetent.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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