Thursday, August 16, 2007


If it weren't for the world being so screwed up and governments (specifically mine) weren't so corrupt and dishonest, I'd be writing about scifi right now. Or I might be writing actual scifi. However, the "sci" in the "scifi" is short for science and you can't usually do good, realistic scifi without researching the "sci" part. I was reminded of this when I stumbled across [|this article] from the July 30, 2007 issue of Newsweek over at that talks about quantum physics and how scientists are slowly coming around to accepting the weirdness that is physics at the smaller-than-microscopic level.

In a nutshell, shit gets crazy down there, man.

Here's a bit from the above mentioned article to explain what I mean:

Since experiments keep proving quantum ideas right, physicists are forced to take them seriously. It isn't easy. They have to admit that a particle can be in two places at once. They have to accept that subatomic systems can become so "entangled" that measuring one affects the other even if the two are light-years apart, which Einstein called "spooky action at a distance." But even as quantum weirdness provides fodder for such drivel as the best-selling book "The Secret," it also fuels debate on subjects as lofty as the nature of reality. Last week a conference at Oxford University explored the idea that every time a subatomic system reaches a decision point—to undergo radioactive decay or not, say—it chooses both possibilities: in this world the particle decays, while in a parallel world it does not. Some physicists buy this "many worlds" interpretation because the alternative is even more unpalatable: that quantum systems choose one possibility or another only when an observer looks. Einstein loathed the idea that reality is created by observers.

That last part is just what more and more people are thinking.

Personally, I believe that the universe doesn't know our definition of "positive" and "negative". As in, "good" and "evil." All it knows are the laws the universe lives by--the Infinite Commandments--the Physical Laws of the Universe. The obvious ones are gravity, the speed of light, and other such yawn-inducing concepts. However, on a quantum level, things get crazy, as mentioned above. This is where the new-age types come in.

The power of Positive Thinking is being applauded as the way to change your life and they point to quantum physics for evidence. Remember the above mentioned stuff about reality being created by its observers? Well, these folks think that thinking positive while, uh, observing, I guess, will allow the universe to move in a positive way, as opposed to a negative one.

It's a nice idea, and I wish I could agree with it, but I see too many things that lean toward the common concept of negative to believe that positive thinking helps. Every time I walk into a supermarket I think to myself "I'm going to bump into Steven Spielberg!"

And I never do.

So much for positive thinking!

But seriously, these and other amazingly mind-bending theories are all being debated in the world of quantum physics.

Quantum physics. Think about it, won't you?

Check out [|that Newsweek article] I mentioned for more... .


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