Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pray/Think Positive For My Step-Dad, Don

South Carolina Trip 2007!, originally uploaded by thepetecom.

See that really tall guy in the middle? That's my step-dad, Don. He's where I get a good chunk of my personality from. As I type this he is lying in an operating room so they can cut out a part of him that was cancerous. Any positive thoughts or prayers anyone wants to throw his way would be much appreciated.

Hey, I'm an atheist, but he believes in God, and I know there's always a possibility I could be wrong. So, if you've got a God, pass him a note to ask him to make sure my step-dad can resume his normal life after today.

If you're like me and don't believe God exists, then throw some positive vibes toward South Carolina.

Either way, after all he's been through in his life he deserves a happy, long life.

Hey, instead of conjuring $1 trillion from nothing and spending it on terrorist "threats" wouldn't it have been great if George W. Bush had conjured even a fraction of that money and put it toward a cure for cancer?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that George W. Bush is the shittiest leader this country has had for putting a war on something that kills a few thousand people around the world every year in front of something that kills hundreds of thousands of Americans a year (and even more people around the world).

Orignal From: Pray/Think Positive For My Step-Dad, Don

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