Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Infographic telling UKers how to eat seasonably as opposed to expecting avocados in winter... or whatever...



The Seasonal Food Calendar Infographic Eating vegetables in season makes sense, because the amount of energy used to get a blueberry from a neighboring state is a tiny fraction of one flown in from Chile. Introducing the Seasonal Food Calendar, a pinwheel infographic that shows what’s in season by month; the outermost ring shows what’s particularly delicious at that time.

Click through for the full-size infographic.

(via: fastcompany)

Great infographic, solid wisdom.

Wish we had one o' these for the US. I don't even know if avocados are seasonal. ;(

I mean, I like the idea of shopping locally (which is the same as eating seasonally because you're buying what ever is available/grown locally) but it's tough because there just isn't enough of a demand for it yet. I think I'd have to go out to Brooklyn to get food grown within an hour of the city and it takes me an hour just to get to Brooklyn!

Still, it'd be nice to know what food is grown during what season in the US (or anywhere a person lives) so we can only eat that food and discourage the shipment of foods from far away, which encourages pollution and waste.

We should go to the food, not the other way around.

Posted via web from thepete's posterous

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