Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Oklahoma law forces abortion seekers to have their faces rubbed in their already difficult choice.

Three cheers for white men in suits who think life is more important than freedom!

In short, if you're a woman who is economically screwed, or if you were raped, and ended up pregnant you have to look at the fetus and get a detailed description of the heart, arms, legs, etc, before you're allowed to get an abortion.

They want you to suffer for making the already hard choice of aborting your baby. They want you to suffer for your choice to not raise it in a state of poverty. If you were raped, they want you to feel extra horrible for ending the resulting pregnancy and lifetime of commitment to a child you had forced on you.

Adoption? Is it any less traumatic to put up for adoption a child you've carried for 9 months knowing the state of orphans in this country?

Give me a break you ignorant, besuited, white men.

There used to be a phrase that true Americans *may* remember: "Live free or die." Here's another one: "Give me liberty or give me death."

What do those phrases mean?

They mean that we value freedom over our own lives.

They mean we're supposed to be willing to die to protect the human rights of others.

So the question ultimately comes down to this: which is more deserving human rights--who is more human? The unborn baby or the mother?

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