Thursday, April 29, 2010

Phlogiston, the luminiferous ether, the planet Vulcan and why we don't have to prove God doesn't exist.

"Phlogiston, the luminiferous ether, and the planet Vulcan are theoretical entities that were postulated in order to explain various phenomena. Phlogiston was postulated to explain heat, the luminiferous ether was postulated to explain the propagation of light waves through empty space, and Vulcan was postulated to explain the perturbations in the orbit of Mercury. Science has shown, however, that these phenomena can be explained without invoking these entities. By demonstrating that these entities are not needed to explain anything, science has proven that they do not exist.

God is a theoretical entity that is postulated by theists to explain various phenomena, such as the origin of the universe, the design of the universe, and the origin of living things. Modern science, however, can explain all of these phenomena without postulating the existence of God.1 In the words of Laplace, science has no need of that hypothesis. By demonstrating that God is not needed to explain anything, science has proven that there is no more reason to believe in the existence of God than to believe in the existence of phlogiston, the luminiferous ether, or Vulcan. This may explain why more than 90% of the world’s top scientists disbelieve or doubt the existence of God."

But if Vulcan doesn't exist, where did Spock come from??

Remember, all you religious types out there: all of us atheists are just a test from God. ;)

You may feel the urge to be critical of us, but if you consider that we are just part of God's Plan, you'll see that all you need to do to triumph over us is to stick, doggedly, blindly to your own beliefs and never ever question them.


See that? We atheists are harmless. ;P

Posted via web from thepete's posterous

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