Monday, May 31, 2010

#LightsaberBattle in #SoHo Picture set #5: Better Sabers than Mine :(

More pics from the lightsaber battle in SoHo!

Pic #1: This is a dude who makes lightsabers--combat ready lightsabers! Siskita got a bit of footage of him explaining how the blade is made of bullet-proof glass, so you can actually spar with it.  Bad-ass!!  He gave us his card, but at some point during the night (during a saber mob, I bet) we managed to lose the card.  So, awesome dude who made the combat-ready lightsaber--what's your name? Please let me know!

Pic #2: Yes, it's true--I let my wife ogle another man's saber.  What? I was ogling it, too!

Pic #3: Here's me holding the way cooler saber than mine.

Pic #4: me in semi-cool lightsaber pose #1

Pic #5: me in semi-cool lightsaber pose #2

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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