Monday, May 17, 2010

RetroJay: Jay TheVlog for 5/31/9: what does Kay wanna know? An AWESOME blooper!! (via

So, all my my 12s from that I shot in the week of May 31, 2009 are in this video, man!! Kay ThePal shows up a LOT and shows us why drinking is fun and a little annoying. Yeah. And then also you get to see the best blooper EVER. It’s so dirty, man!! So, check it out!! YEAH!

Speakin of bloopers, wanna see 30 minutes of them AND support me at the same time? Then like head over to where you can drop 50¢ to see 30 minutes of my best screw-ups!! Do it now!! (I need the cash!)

OH, yeah! Got a question for me or Kay? Or just wanna say hi? Go to and Ask Jay (or Kay) ThePal, today, man!! (You can also @reply me on Twitter, send me a Facebook message or leave me a voicemail at (347) 994-YEAH. DO IT!!


Here's where we see Jay and Kay not being for kids. Well, unless you don't mind your kids seeing a puppet drunk off her gourd. Politics'll do it every time!

(Just watch the video.) ;)

Posted via web from thepete's posterous

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