Wednesday, May 19, 2010

RetroJay TheVlog for 6/13/9: I got invited to #140conf! @CK67 plays my request! What Sotomayor really means!

Wanna take me with you? Download a 70MB iPod-comfy MP4 and watch me on the go, man!

COOL—these are all my 12s from that I made back in the second week of June, 2009, yeah! It was a crazy-cool week, man! @CK67 played my request and gave me a shoutout on his radio show at (which was AWESOME!), I get asked if I’ve been married, and BEST OF ALL, I got invited to the 140 Characters Conference here in NYC, MAN! YEAH!!

Wanna support ThePals? Then like head over to where you can drop 50¢ to see 30 minutes of my best screw-ups!! Do it now!! (We need the cash!) You can also hit up and check out other cool stuff you can by with my logo on it, man!! Please do it! Thanks!!

OH, yeah! Got a question for me or Kay? Or just wanna say hi? Go to and Ask Jay (or Kay) ThePal, today, man!! (You can also @reply me on Twitter, send me a Facebook message or leave me a voicemail at (347) 994-YEAH. DO IT!!


Do you know how much my arm ached after all those clips with @CK67 playing "Sheer Heart Attack"? My shoulder twinges just when I think about it!!

Posted via web from thepete's posterous

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