Thursday, May 06, 2010 covers the Spill: the damage, BP's dodge & BP's depressing history--can't we get Beyond Petroleum?

The below comments were made by Riki Ott, a marine toxicologist and former salmon fisherma’am (!) in Alaska, on the Democracy Now broadcast FROM May 3, 2010 (this past Monday's show). She wrote the book “Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Spill.”

The killing will not stop in 2010. The cloud of oil that is dispersed as dissolved droplets under the giant slick, this is killing everything in the water column. So clams, they all have a component that a life- part of their life-cycle is in the water column. Shrimp in the water column, the eggs, the young larvae. And all this is being wiped out. So it’s not just a fishery that’s closed this year, it will be closed, probably for the next couple of years because, where will be the shrimp that should have been born this year and survived and become adults? I mean, they just probably will not manifest. They won’t show up. They won’t survive.


I’ve had my friends e-mail me from New Orleans and say it smells like a big- worse than a gas station right now. This is not a good thing. The classic symptoms of overexposure to crude-oil fumes are headache, nausea, dizziness, and something that looks like a cold or flu-like symptoms. We called it the Valdez Crud in Alaska and I’m very sure we’re going to see this with the cleanup workers. But also just in the communities. Exxon Valdez, we saw this phenomenon. Exxon got away with not reporting cleanup workers’ health problems. There over 6,722 workers reported upper respiratory illnesses, I discovered in toxic tort lawsuits. And there is an exemption to the Occupational Safety and Health Act that says these industries don’t have to report colds and flu. So instantly, all this coughing and these cold and flu-like symptoms become colds and flu instead of probably what it really is which is a chemical-induced illnesses. This is work related. So we really need to close that loophole in OSHA.

This- Oil spill cleanups are considered hazardous waste cleanups under OSHA regulations. Workers should be wearing full face protection, they should have what’s called “haz-wopper training,” hazardous waste operator emergency response, um, training. This is like forty hours of training. This is serious, and it’s not just a headache and a little cough now. Your body gets overwhelmed by these chemicals. You go home and you don’t get better. If it’s a cold or flu, you get better. But I have had cleanup workers from the Exxon Valdez who I am still in touch with tell me, “You know, I thought I had the Valdez Crud back to 1989. I didn’t think I would have for fourteen years or twenty years. We’re talking about people who are left untreated, they are disabled, a hundred percent disabled. Who’s paying for that? Taxpayers. Not Exxon. We’re talking about people who have died.


This whole oil spill or oil leak- I’m going to call it a leak because we do not know how much is going to spill. This is like deja vu. Exxon came to our community and similarly- all the other twenty-two oil communities in Alaska, with a similar paper asking people to waive their rights to sue. The judge upheld this. Anybody who signs that paper is giving away probably hundreds of thousands of dollars potentially. Potentially. As we know in Exxon Valdez, that our case got knocked way back down and people recovered about seven to ten percent of what they actually lost. So, absolutely do not sign that.

Read about BP lobbying to get laws and decisions made in its favor.

Read about BP's role in the 1953 coup in Iran.

Does anyone doubt that oil companies are amoral? I can't imagine how it's possible...

Please check out for great coverage of the GoM/BP oil spill, in text, audio and video forms. Read, listen, watch, learn.

Posted via web from thepete's posterous

1 comment:

msavage12 said...

The workers who are cleaning up the oil in the Gulf need to be aware of the chemicals that will be used for the cleaning. Oil companies do not care about human health issues that arise from their toxic chemicals. I am one of the 11,000+ cleanup workers from the Exxon Valdez oil spill, who is suffering from health issues from that toxic cleanup, without compensation from Exxon.

There is an on going lawsuit with VECO's insurance company, the company Exxon contracted for hiring employees. Please read my article below for more information.

The Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Leaves Exxon’s Collateral Damaged

My name is Merle Savage; a female general foreman during the EVOS beach cleanup in 1989, which turned into 20 years of extensive health deterioration for me and many other workers. Dr. Riki Ott visited me in 2007 to explain about the toxic spraying on the beaches. She also informed me that Exxon's medical records and the reports that surfaced in litigation brought by sick workers in 1994, had been sealed from the public, making it impossible to hold Exxon responsible for their actions.

Dr. Riki Ott has devoted her life to taking control from corporations and giving it back to We The People. If corporations continue to control our legal system, then We The People become victims.

Dr. Riki Ott has written two books; Sound Truth & Corporate Myth$ and Not One Drop. Dr. Ott has investigated and studied the oil spill spraying, and quotes numerous reports in her books, on the toxic chemicals that were used during the 1989 Prince William Sound oily beach cleanup. Black Wave the Film is based on Not One Drop, with interviews of EVOS victims; my interview was featured in the section; Like a War Zone.

Exxon developed the toxic spraying; OSHA, the Coast Guard, and the state of Alaska authorized the procedure; VECO and other Exxon contractors implemented it. Beach crews breathed in crude oil that splashed off the rocks and into the air -- the toxic exposure turned into chronic breathing conditions and central nervous system problems, along with other massive health issues. Some of the illnesses include neurological impairment, chronic respiratory disease, leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumors, liver damage, and blood disease.
Please view the 7 minute video that validates my accusations.

My web site is devoted to searching for EVOS cleanup workers who were exposed to the toxic spraying, and are suffering from the same illnesses that I have. Our summer employment turned into a death sentence for many -- and a life of unending medical conditions for the rest of us.