Thursday, April 03, 2008

Daily Show: Republican Admits They Effed Up

This isn't some play on words or a clip of Bush "accidentally" saying the opposite of what the speech writer told him to say--on the episode of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" from March 31, 2008, Republican Senator from Nebraska, Chuck Hagel, actually admitted that Congress made a mistake in allowing Bush to decide to go to war. What Hagel said in this interview is incredibly important:

"We did not do our job. We failed the American People in that we didn't ask the toughest questions."

What saddens me is that Hagel is the second person in government, during the Bush administration, who has admitted that Congress did let the American people down. The first was Richard Clark, the terrorism czar that George W. inherited from Bill Clinton. I can't even remember when Clarke admitted that the government had let the American People down, but he did. In his case it was in regards to the USG allowing 911 to happen.

Now, Hagel is saying it, too only this time it's about something even less forgivable than not being on the ball enough to stop terrorists from doing something insane. Of course, it's easy for Hagel to say he and others in Congress let us down--he's got a book to sell (much like Clarke did) and Hagel's not running for president (it's always easier to tell the truth when you aren't worried about your job). He also jokes in the interview with Stewart that he's not likely to have a job in Washington after this November. I hope this is true for many more people in Congress aside from him.

And don't think that Hagel is some saint just because he actually has the balls to say it like it is--the dude is rumored to be just as corrupt as everyone else. I recall reading somewhere that he was elected on ballot machines made by a company he owns.

Maybe we should consider his criticisms of the war to be just sour grapes reflecting his frustration that he invested in a balloting machine company instead of Halliburton or Bechtel.

Oh well, at least he said it!
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Orignal From: Daily Show: Republican Admits They Effed Up

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