Sunday, April 06, 2008


Ahhh, Chuck--you were the man and a bit of a douche, too.

But all in all you were in some mighty amazing movies. From "Planet of the Apes" to the "Ten Commandments" to "Touch of Evil" (pictured), you were always entertaining, if nothing else.

Actually, I think my favorite role of yours was Taylor--the nihilistic astronaut who is the last surviving human-as-we-know-them on Earth. You approached that character with such daring arrogance and intelligence that it inspired me to become the judgmental, holier-than-thou guy I am today.

Seriously, Chuck, you were a great example of human--both kick-ass and dumb-ass at the same time and eternally likable, to boot. It was a blast seeing both PoTA and the 10C's with you at the Egyptian Theatre, here in LA--I was the geeky guy with the Godzilla T-shirt who somehow managed to sit just a handful of seats to your right at both screenings. I wasn't stalking you, honest.

Thanks for everything, Chuck.

I hope heaven's all blown up when you get there so you can repeat your classic line.
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