Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oil Hits $117, Effects Cost of Everything Else

Wow--oil has hit $117 a barrel??? That's according to an April 18, 2008 article at screencapped above (get the original here:…fd2ac.html )

Thanks to the fact that everything needs oil to function (machines AND the industries powered by them) it makes perfect sense that prices for all things are going up. We can expect this trend to continue until the price of oil drops or multiple oil alternatives get introduced and used on a wide scale.

My main question now is: Can we stop bothering with the war on terror now that high prices on everything are a bigger threat to us, PLEASE??

I'm seeing these absurd prices on everything as an attempt (intentional or not) to wipe out the middle class.

These prices have GOT to turn around or we ALL need to be making more money. In fact, both probably need to happen.

If neither does, we're going to see two classes in America--the Haves and the Have-nots.
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Orignal From: Oil Hits $117, Effects Cost of Everything Else

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