Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Double Jeopardy is Illegal, but Triple Jeopardy?

Saw this on BreakingNewsOn's Twitterstream (…kingnewson ) this morning.

Now, I could have sworn that being put on trial for the same crime twice was illegal--let alone a third time.

What also makes me mad about this is that these guys were just freaks with large-sized dreams, not any real threat to the Sears Tower or anyone else.

According to an article (here: ) the Feds have run into two deadlocked juries. However, rather than just admit defeat, they are tying a third time to prove that these guys were serious.

If memory serves, they had no money, no resources and no guns. They asked the FBI informant (whom they believed was Al Qeada) for boots.

Nice to see our leaders in law enforcement *and* politics really know what they're doing when it comes to keeping us safe.

With leaders like these, who needs followers?
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Orignal From: Double Jeopardy is Illegal, but Triple Jeopardy?

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