Friday, March 20, 2009

My Own Battlestar Galactica Series Finale Script (Part 2 COMPLETE)


Two weeks ago, I began to worry that I wouldn't like how my favorite

show currently on TV would end, so I made sure to avoid that by

writing my own damn two-part finale.

Note the start and finish dates listed up there in that cover image.

I started this 55 page script on the 17th of March. It's now the

20th. Now read it and tell me it reads like something written over

three days. OR tell me it DOES read that way and I'll tell you to

find me someone who can write something as good as that is in the same

amount of time.

OK, /grandstanding.

Now, for the good stuff!

Here is the 57-page script for part 1 in PDF format (163k):

Here is the COMPLETE (just finished) 55 page first draft of part 2

(including the teaser and five acts) in PDF format (155k):

As promised, I had acts 4 and 5 of part 2 done by Friday morning

(right now!), well ahead of the airing of the actual final episode of

Battlestar Galactica, tonight on the SciFi Channel.


Battlestar Galactica is (c) Universal Studios. HOWEVER, the

specific story, settings, structure and even a couple characters are

(c) ThePete (ME). That said, if UniStu wants the scripts, they're

welcome to them--I just ask for some pitch meetings in return (don't

know why they'd want them since the series is over, but what the



GALACTICA REMAKE. It's just the finale I'd like to see (as of this

writing I haven't seen either of the finale episodes). As the final

few episodes aired (and before the 2-part finale began), I found

myself kind of disappointed with the convoluted plot and taxing

expectations of the series. I found myself wondering about the odds

I'd actually like the finale. Then I decided to jam out my own

finale. It picks up right where the real finale begins, two episodes

before the end of the series.

PLEASE REMEMBER: Both of these scripts are first drafts. They contain

mistakes of both a grammatical and technical nature because when

you're jamming out a script, the best way to do it is

Bushido--samurai-style--straight through, stopping for as little as

possible. So, newsflash, I'm not Mozart. I want to hear what you

think, but don't expect a polished script.

And thank you so much for reading! We writers get immense energy and

focus knowing that our work is being read (even if it isn't being

liked). So, thanks so much for downloading and reading. I do hope

you enjoy it. Whether it'll be better than Ron Moore's version or not

will be interesting to see, but not my main concern. I just want the

series to end the way I want it to end. I still think Ron Moore is

one of the best TV writers who ever lived.

Orignal From: My Own Battlestar Galactica Series Finale Script (Part 2 COMPLETE)

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