Thursday, March 05, 2009 on My Kindle 2 on My Kindle 2, originally uploaded by thepetecom.

Here's the very first screenshot taken on my Kindle 2. It's of my

website, You can take a screencap on the K2 by holding

down the alt and shift keys while pressing "g". Then, the next time

you connect your Kindle 2 to your computer, check it's "documents"

directory. Inside will be a gif. That's your screengrab.

As you can see, web browsing on the Kindle is pretty rudimentary.

However, it's almost on par (minus the color screen) to the Sidekick

3's browsing experience, so if you're in a pinch, it'll do. Now, I

have an iPhone, too, but that damn touchscreen is sometimes hard to

type on and since the Kindle 2 rides the Sprint network for wireless,

I might find my iPhone uncovered by its network of choice (T-Mobile

for me AT&T for most folks) and when that happens, I can check the old

K2 to see if Sprint can let me Tweet.

So after a few hours of playing with the thing, the Kindle 2 seems

just fine. There was a minor hickup while trying to buy a free copy

of the Bible from the Kindle Store (it didn't like my credit

card!)--after the second attempt it let me download it with no

problem. I tried to open it (I assume) before it finished DLing. As

a result it hung on opening. It was no big deal, I just pressed the

"home" button and opened the Bible again and it worked. I also

converted one PDF with meh results, but I'm learning, still. I'll

post more about my experiences, soon.

Watch for the Kindle 2 unboxing video shortly at

Orignal From: on My Kindle 2

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