Tuesday, September 26, 2006


There it is! You may recall the [http://thepete.com/tag/%24100+laptop|$100 laptop project] that I've blogged about before. The plan, by Nicholas Negroponte is to manufacture small laptops, as cheaply as possible and sell them to governments of third world countries for $100 (or so) a pop. Those governments will then distribute them to children who will use the laptops to learn. Pretty cool, huh? What's even better is that the machines are completely open source--they run on Linux and are completely corporate-string-free. They even have a new name: the CM1--the Children's Machine. Although the machines are also known as the SB1. I'm not sure what the different names are about, actually... They also consume a very small amount of energy and can be powered, get this, by a pull string. Again, pretty cool, huh? The real good news for those of us who love the cool gadgets is that this adorable little machine (see above) WILL be available to us in the US via eBay (so much for the corporate-string-free part). It'll price in at $450 for us, but we'll be able to write off the extra $350 as a donation on our taxes because the extra scratch will be used to help countries who can't afford to buy these things for all of the kids in their country. Isn't that just the coolest thing? YOU get a cool, little, low-power-consumption laptop AND you help kids in developing countries!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT??? Read more about it in [http://www.engadget.com/2006/08/24/olpc-gets-a-name-the-cm1-or-childrens-machine/|this August 24, 2006 post] at Engadget.Com, [http://www.engadget.com/2006/09/20/negroponte-announces-olpc-for-ebay-shows-off-pull-string/|this September 20, 2006 post] at Engadget.Com or by checking out the official wiki for the project at http://wiki.laptop.org.

Orignal From: $100 LAPTOP NEWS!!

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