Thursday, September 28, 2006


Positive Experience/Entertaining? There really wasn't a single frame of this film that I didn't find entertaining. GO SEE THIS FILM!
Technically any good? Wow--brilliant across the board. There was a bit of "Hollywood Convenience" in the film in that some plot points were a little too neatly tied up, but that was the biggest flaw of the movie. The acting from everyone was very good and the script was very solid. The editing and music were both spot on and the direction, well, let's just say I wasn't aware of the direction. Which means it was great. The best direction is invisible. Great work from the cinematographer, too. Very nicely shot.
How did it leave me feeling? DEPRESSED AS HELL! But I am a wiser person for seeing it. It comes at a time when it's very important for us to have a good understanding of what our leaders are doing in our name. This is not to say the film is preachy in the least. It isn't. It's terrifying and the events depicted are largely true. If you're a mature adult interested in a smart, powerful, moving film I suggest you see The Last King of Scotland.
Final Rating? GSN - Go See Now (Just be careful--it's very disturbing, depressing and at times graphic--but see it anyway!)

Orignal From: LAST KING OF SCOTLAND (2006)

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