Tuesday, September 26, 2006


You've probably heard this already thanks to the media actually bothering to do their job. However, a new intel report that was leaked to the press has found that terrorism is markedly worse on planet Earth than it was before the US invaded Iraq. I know, big surprise, but at least this info comes from the USG, so we know that they know it, too (in other words, they're not complete idiots). The thing is, Bush disagrees, like global warming or the status of the war in Iraq, Bush likes to differ with the facts. Like Stephen Colbert, Bush doesn't like facts. Here's a fun little clipping from [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2006/09/26/national/w100322D32.DTL&type=politics|a September 26, 2006 editorial] at SFGate.Com:
President Bush on Tuesday said it is naive and a mistake to think that the war with Iraq has worsened terrorism, as a key portion of a national intelligence assessment by his own administration suggests. He said he was declassifying part of the report. "Some people have guessed what's in the report and concluded that going into Iraq was a mistake. I strongly disagree," Bush said.
So, [http://thepete.com/matt-lauer-does-job-bushs-feet-somewhat-close-to-fire/|when someone tells Bush he's doing something that is illegal, he disagrees]. Now, we see that when someone tells him the facts, he disagrees with that, too. HOW CAN YOU DISAGREE WITH FACTS? When are our leaders in Washington going to punish this guy for disagreeing with facts? Sure, the intel report has "interpreted" facts to come to conclusions. But when it's your own people doing the interpretation, doesn't that make you look like an idiot for not trusting the interpretations of your own people? Why'd you hire them if you're just going to disagree with them? Like DDT, cigarettes, and global warming before it, certain white men in suits are trying to tell us that something that is obviously bad for us, isn't as bad as we think. This, despite the extreme obviousness of the facts involved. Oh and FYI, the number of American dead in Iraq is now higher than the number of people who died in NYC on 911. The sad thing is, voting Democrat in November will be like rewarding the negligent. The Dems let this atrocity happen, with barely a peep. They are just as complicite in this mess as the Republicans who disagreed with their king but said nothing.


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